Gun Myths in New Death Wish

By chance the old Bronson Death Wish (Michael Winner's last decent film) was on late night cable and I watched about half of it. I didn't like it very much in the 70s and I don't think it's improved with age. I did like the new one with Bruce Willis, but it had some stupid things in it. First, the Glock cutting up the flap of skin between the thumb and the first finger of the hand holding it. Here's a picture of a Glock 17: Look at the curve and size of the lip at the back of the gun below the slide. I have trouble believing you can get your skin in the way of the slide going back and forth. Maybe I'm being nit-picky here. OK this next one is a spoiler . Go see the movie before you read further (and I know the trailer already showed the gun in action). There is no freakin' way Bruce gets the full auto version of a custom AR-15 (BDR-15-3G). It could have been possible for him to have obtained an AR that looked that way and then make the gunsmith ch...